Ketav Consultant

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Multi Stage Flash Distillation

“Multi Stage Flash Distillation is a unit operation, It Helps to reduce TDS at very high Concentration.”

Process Description :-

Multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) is a water desalination process that distills sea water by flashing a portion of the water into steam in multiple stages of what are essentially countercurrent heat exchangers. Multi-stage flash distillation plants produce about 26% of all desalinated water in the world, but almost all of new desalination plants currently use reverse osmosis due to much lower energy consumption. The plant has a series of spaces called stages, each containing a heat exchanger and a condensate collector. The sequence has a cold end and a hot end while intermediate stages have intermediate temperatures. The stages have different pressures corresponding to the boiling points of water at the stage temperatures. After the hot end there is a container called the brine heater.

Target Impurities :-

  1. TDS
  2. Free Radical Ions

Advantages :-

  1. For any dissolved salts Rejection upto very 99.9%.
  2. Quality of treated water is very good.
  3. Low Opex cost
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